Web Design Predictions


Because we know exactly how the web design trend can shift rapidly, we will have to move earlier in order to catch up with things and not be left behind clueless of what is happening in the web design and development industry. However, there is no way we can be informed of when will the new trend takeover or what the new trend will be so we have no choice but to resort to predictions and views on the possible trends that might take place in the year 2016.

Typography is still in this 2016
  • Typography: Another throwback from the classics.2016 will be filled with fancy typefaces thanks to Google Free Font Collection. We will be seeing more of the simple yet professional looking sites adorned with wise use of fonts.
Sample Grid Designs
  • Grid: We are seeing this kind of design today; however, we expect to see more of this by next year. There will be more improvements on the design and the patterns will be more complicated. In connection to the responsive web design trend which is expected to continue making waves even until next year, the grid design will be a great way to make a responsive design without having to paying too much attention to templates and arrangements.
Vintage designs sample
  •  Custom-drawn Illustration: You might have noticed that the retro and the vintage design is coming back and many of today’s web designs are ‘80s inspired. By 2016, we expect the same with focus on hand-drawn illustrations.
  • Cinemagraph : This is going to give websites an oozing appeal, I am a fun of digital art so, I guess web design trends for next are going to be great.
  • Material Design: This is more like a spin off for flat and vector designs. You see, those things never go old plus they complement with the typography thingy and the grid design so we would be seeing a lot of flat icons next year.

Overall, material design is design concept from Google that works well with the rest of the trend mentioned in this article.

Continuation of present trend

1. RWD (Responsive Web Design)

2. Parallax

3. Card Layouts

The present trend like these three listed above will continue to make waves in the year 2016. There could be other trend that may come out but so far, basing on the events today and trends for this year; these are most likely the design we can watch out for next year.

To know more about web design, I suggest you read articles from Onchow.com and maybe you can check out this one, 5 Reasons Why You should Learn Web Development to help you get started with web development.

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